Monday, March 22, 2010

Two Become One

This past weekend I shot Lee and Kelly's wedding out in Crown Point Indiana. It was a beautiful wedding even though it rained most of the day. This was at a Lutheran church with incredible stone and wood work in the sanctuary. It had a very traditional look. The Lutherans have some odd rules about wedding photography during the ceremony which forbade me from entering the sanctuary to take pictures during the wedding. So even though I had to shoot from the foyer, I thought the pics still turned out well.
This shot is one I've been using now for about 8 months or so. As you can see, when the rings are stood up in the crease of a book, and you have a light source behind them, the shadow becomes a heart. I like to open a Bible up to
1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) and make sure some of the chapter is visible. This is one that Lee asked for specifically. We were all in the foyer with bright overhead fluorescent light. There seemed to be no way to get the shadow. One of his groomsmen pulled out a cell phone and used the cameras flash. A pure white LED light. We turned off the foyer lights and after some positioning of the light on the phone, we got a great shadow.
This was shot with my Canon 50D and a Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens at 1/60sec at f/4 with an ISO of 250. Lens was at 24mm.
Congrats Lee and Kelly.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Praise - Alternate

OK, This is the alternate color scheme. Which one do you like better?


I've been trying my hand at graphic design lately and found that I have a knack for it. (I think) So after showing some of my work off my friend Sharron asked if I could do her a favor. She and a few other people from our worship team are putting together books with all of the lead sheets used for the worship services at OBCC. Knowing that I'm dabbling in graphics she asked me to design a cover for the binder. I love jobs like this because I learn so much about Photoshop every time I do one of these. It seems to be great way to develop my skills. she gave me a brief description of her vision and told me the verse that they wanted on the cover. Psalm 66:8 "Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard!"
I found the graphic of the hands on line, but I took a picture of some sheet music for the top of the page. The music is Prelude in C Major from the Well Tempered Clavier by J.S. Bach, taken with my Canon SD1100 point and shoot. The idea here is that our praise is rising to heaven, or up to God.
After a little debate about the color, we eventually agreed on the original shown here. I'll upload the alternate color scheme too.

I Love My Truck

I have been a Chevy fan as long as I can remember, so it really surprises me that I love my Ford. After being laid off last year I quickly realized that I needed a vehicle. Ben needed the mini-van and Melissa drives the Blazer so I was stuck at home . I decided to check with my old company to see if they were getting rid of any of the old work trucks and wouldn't you know it, they were. This was the better of the two vehicles and it fell into a price range I could afford. Now I've wanted a pickup truck since I was a teenager and even though I still want a Chevy and for it to be a full size truck, this one fits at the moment. It is still an old work truck though. The body is covered with scratches and pits and other scars. The bumpers are rusted and there is still dirt caked into the carpet. The drivers seat is torn and the interior lights don't work, but I don't care. It's my truck and I love it. I've though about getting rid of the cap, but it works out nice for keeping stuff in the back dry and safe.
Yesterday it was 65 degrees out (in the middle of March) and sunny. I hand washed it and shined up the tires. Then I headed over to a local park to get some pics. Thus taking care of two of my favorite things at one time. Shooting pictures and my truck. This was taken with my Canon 50D and the 28-135mm is lens. Shot at 1/8000, f/3.8, ISO 500.
Did I say that I love my truck?