This shot is one I've been using now for about 8 months or so. As you can see, when the rings are stood up in the crease of a book, and you have a light source behind them, the shadow becomes a heart. I like to open a Bible up to
1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) and make sure some of the chapter is visible. This is one that Lee asked for specifically. We were all in the foyer with bright overhead fluorescent light. There seemed to be no way to get the shadow. One of his groomsmen pulled out a cell phone and used the cameras flash. A pure white LED light. We turned off the foyer lights and after some positioning of the light on the phone, we got a great shadow.
This was shot with my Canon 50D and a Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens at 1/60sec at f/4 with an ISO of 250. Lens was at 24mm.
Congrats Lee and Kelly.