Thursday, April 9, 2009

Westmont Depot

Back in September Dan asked me to shoot pictures of the local area for the "God of This City" slideshow. So, I went into Westmont one morning to shoot pic of the commuters hopping on the train. I got some strange looks, but hey, I'm a strange guy. I spent about an hour there waiting for the morning trains to arrive and the riders to get on or off. This shot was as I was heading back to my truck. I decided to turn around and get one more. 
I love the parallel lines converging on an imaginary point somewhere in Clarendon Hills. The expantion joints in the platform and the ribbed walls of the train cars. Even the vertical supports on the right pull your eye to that imaginary point. The Early morning contrast I think is the kicker. You can almost see a diagonal line between the light and the dark.